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View on The Bible App

To find Direct Radio Access on The Bible App you can try the following link
The Bible App Direct Link
or use the search phrase in the Search Box of the App.

As a separate system, we cannot integrate The Bible App directly into our website. But if you use the MYLC+ option in the player, we will be able to track your progress.


Please provide your email address^ and we will send a confirmation email immediately.
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^We respect your privacy. Your email will be used only to provide a daily devotional and to communicate about your continued interest. You can unsubsribe at any time.

View on The Bible App

To find Direct Radio Access on The Bible App you can try the following link
The Bible App Direct Link
or use the search phrase in the Search Box of the App.

As a separate system, we cannot integrate The Bible App directly into our website. But if you use the MYLC+ option in the player, we will be able to track your progress.